Ascending Metnal

Midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within a forest dark, For the straightforward pathway had been lost. Ah me! how hard a thing it is to say What was this forest savage, rough, and stern, Which in the very thought renews the fear. -Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto I

Dip Ahead

Lately I'm noticed that I have not been feeling as good as when I first started recovery. I've been sleepy again and I have been more irritated. I'm worried that I'm falling into a remission again and that I'm doing something wrong. I'm also worried that I might have to increase my prescription so soon. I'm not panicking or anything but I'm just keeping an eye on it before it's too late. I could just be feeling a little down because all my work is piling up and it's close to the end of the year. Being cooped indoors probably hasn't helped. Ah hell, it could be SAD. It did kinda start when the days started to get shorter. I doesn't matter what's causing my dip in mood. The important thing is that I'm tuned to my my moods and know when something isn't quite right. Being aware of how my mood changes will help me recognized when I have a depressive episode and handle it.


Exactly, as soon as you recognize the low mood you can do something about it. I can relate to how you feel that the year is nearly over. But see it this way, there's a new beginning soon.


I've got a question, do you find when you started medication you felt a bit numbish? Hard to explain really, not numb numb but odd numb? Not making myself clear at all am I...?


just got your reply, thank you. yes exactly, its like a dream like state. kind of like being very slighly high or something. It's kind of freaking me out a bit. Did you stop medication?



I have periodically returned to your blog to monitor your progress and Internet comments. In regards to your medication, unlike the approbation from others, I cannot vouchsafe the efficacy of medication. I have my personal view, of course, and it has no affect on your decision to participate in medication. If you feel you need medication and the medication works for you then that is positive.

Sometimes I have great difficulty in making a distinction between depression and just simple "sadness". I don't know you or have ever talked to you so I am unable to make an evaluation but I wonder if another approach to resolve your feelings is worthy. This is why I referenced POSP, of which you appear to have deemed it worthy of indexing for future reference, in becoming involved in dialogue and a general, or maybe specific, discussion of philosophy and science. I have discovered that dialogue can be very beneficial and noticed that is what is lacking here. Individuals have offered suggestions and support and little to nothing is offered as a counter comment...make friends and dialogue. The blog itself is a chronological narrative of your apparent situation and measures what you have done to ameliorate the same. That is fine up to a point, but it would be good to converse with those that share similar experiences. They can be genuine friends. Whether you elect to converse with me is inconsequential, even though I could help, but at least respond to some genuine input from others.




As a side thought regarding the common phenomena this time of year...shortened days [at least until the Winter Solstice between December 20 and December 23] coupled with many cloudy days and can and do provide a "depressed" feeling, there is a viable solution I believe we are in the same time zone but I think that the Winters are a bit harsher in the upper midwest and the best I can do to cope with those extended short, dark days is by the use of fluorescent light since they do mirror the wavelength of natural sun illumination.



Hi there, just thought I'd let you know I went to the doctors yesterday, told her about my "weird" feelings and she said that the side effects normally ocurr at the beginning so got another three months, then i can come back and lower the dose to slowly wean myself off it.


Hey you, haven't seen you around for a while so just wondering if everythings ok on your side of the world


hey, just about to log off and thought i'd check my messages one last time and got urs. glad you're off soon to give yourself a rest. don't get too stressed, it's xmas soon!


Keep a journal if you already have one, that will help you keep track of your mood.


Hey you, been trying to post a comment on here forever but it didn't work as it's probably too big so when you get a second drop over by my blog and have a look. It'll make you laugh. It's a merry Xmas message :)





Hey htere strainger, have you had your time off yet or are you still off? x


just thought i'd drop by and say hello and smile at you :)


Hey, just wanted to say hello. Hope things are going well at school and everything.
