Ascending Metnal

Midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within a forest dark, For the straightforward pathway had been lost. Ah me! how hard a thing it is to say What was this forest savage, rough, and stern, Which in the very thought renews the fear. -Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto I

First Grip

Four weeks ago I made the decision to speak to the nurse practitioner at my school's health center about depression. I told her about how I feel pessimistic, hopeless, and how I felt like a dark cloud followed me everywhere I went. I told her about my violent childhood. About my broken family. And about how I cannot remember being happy for any prolonged period of time. I also take no pleasure in any activity no matter how much fun it was. Strong feelings to commit suicide were gone. But I still fantasized about my death. I didn't look upon death with fear, but as a sweet relief from a merciless life. If I was to die, I didn't mind. She diagnosed me with Depression and prescribed me 20mg of Prozac a day for a month and to see her again before I run out. She encouraged me to seek counseling when I begin to feel better. I dismissed counseling because I had tried it before and it didn't help me for long. But now that I have been feeling better since on the medication I'm going to speak to a therapist and resolve some family issues. This blog will be a record of my recovery.


Dear fragile soul,I think it is very theraputic the way you have been expressing yourself via blog. I was very touched by all of your comments and I hope other readers may get an important message to seek help for their mental health symptoms because you can get better. It is time we begin to remove the stigma of "mental illness". I was aghast at the comments made on the Coffee Shop Forum by croutons as being very ignorant.Obviously he/she lacks understanding.Just to furthur qualify my comments here:I work in the field of mental health and I am a therapist working at a mental health clinic and even myself have dealt with depression,so it can effect anyone! So glad you sought help,hope things get better for you.