Yes I am aware that I have not updated. But I got a cool new background. That's got to count for something right? I have been doing very well lately. When I got back to school in August I immediately saw my NP. Prozac hasn't quite been working anymore in that I was tired, and my mood was not as high as when I first started it. She switched me to Celexa, which has been working very well. I'm still tired but I attribute that to being very busy. This semester I' taking only two classes, but I am teaching 4 zoology labs. I love teaching, but it's a lot of work. Especially with 4 labs a week. The worse part is the grading. At the same time that I saw my NP, I visited the disability counselor. He required that I get psychologically evaluated for depression before I can receive any accommodations from the school. So for 2 separate days I spent around 8 hours subjected to tests. Turns out I am depressed. Of course I had already known it, but now it's official. Kind of like dating someone for a long time, then getting hitched. I can be taken seriously now. It also turns out that I am perfectly average in Intelligence. However I scored way higher than average in verbal skills. Who knew? That was a great boast to my self-esteem, and it give me great insight on how I learn and how I can use it to my advantage. It also showed me my weaknesses, and know I know what I can do to overcome them.